Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 kvalifikationsturnering

Tävlingarna börjar hemifrån med vår online-baserade kvalifikationsturnering under den första helgen i augusti. De bästa lagen tar sig sedan vidare till en nordisk final i september. Mer detaljer om finalen annonseras snart!
Registrering till turneringen öppnar på måndag den 12 juni 2023 klockan 12:00 och stängs på tisdag den 1 augusti klockan 12:00.
Registrera dig här! (Extern länk)
Kvalifikationsrundorna spelas under lördagen den 5 augusti och söndagen den 6 augusti. Baserat på intresse och mängden anmälda lag så kan tider komma att ändras.
Turneringen är öppen för alla med en bostadsadress i Sverige, Norge, Finland eller Danmark.
- Match: Bäst av 5 spel
- Läge: Turf War och förbestämd cykel för Anarchy Battle
- Arenor: Förbestämda
- Lägen och banor:
- Lägen och banor kommer att meddelas en vecka innan varje turnering, antalet rundor kommer att bestämmas baserat på antalet deltagare.
- Turf War spelas som isolerad bäst av 3
- Turf War och Anarchy Battle-lägen fungerar som en cykel, till exempel:
- Runda 1: TW (bo3), SZ, RM, CB, TC
- Runda 2: TW (bo3), TC, SZ, RM, CB
- Runda 3: TW (bo3), CB, TC, SZ, RM
- Runda 4: TW (bo3), RM, CB, TC, SZ
- Runda 5: TW (bo3), SZ, RM, CB, TC
- Banor baseras på månadens Anarchy Battle-banor.
- Gear (Utrustning): Från urval
- Weapons (Vapen): Från urval
- Secondary Gear Abilities (Sekundära utrustningsförmågor): Inaktiverade
- Control Method (Kontrollmetod): Valfri
- Play mode (Spelläge): Endast TV-läge
- Avslöjas senare
Allmänna villkor och bestämmelser
- Deltagare måste vara minst 7 år gamla.
- Anställda och nära familjemedlemmar till arrangören, dess agenter eller personer som är professionellt involverade i kampanjen är inte tillåtna att delta.
- Bergsala förbehåller sig rätten att ändra, korrigera eller avsluta tävlingen när som helst.
- Deltagarnas personuppgifter kommer att samlas in, lagras och behandlas strikt i syfte att administrera priser.
- Arrangören och dess associerade företag och agenter friskriver sig från allt ansvar och alla skyldigheter som kan uppstå på grund av uppskjutningar, inställelser, förseningar eller förändringar av prisdetaljer, eller som kan uppstå vid användning av priset i den utsträckning som tillåts enligt lag.
- Vinnarens namn och land kommer att göras tillgängliga vid skriftlig begäran till arrangören.
- Eventuell vinstskatt betalas av vinnaren.
Tournament appendix
- Behaviour
- Fairplay
To keep tournaments as efficient as possible, the Tournament Organiser reserves the right to disqualify teams. This will only be done in cases where a team purposefully stalls or attempts to block another team. In some scenarios both teams may be affected. Any team found to be using a known exploit will forfeit their game upon the first occurrence of the exploit. If the team is found to use another known exploit for a second time and it is determined to have been done on purpose they will be removed from the event and barred from any future events. Betting during any Bergsala organised tournament activity (by a player, team, or on behalf of anyone associated with the team) is off limits. Those partaking will be disqualified from the event in question and will receive a minimum of 6-month ban.
- No cheating
Cheating is anything that gives one player and/or team member an unfair advantage over competition.
If any form of cheating occurs, the player will be banned from the competition, giving their opponent a straight qualification to the next round.
- Sportsmanlike behaviour
The organiser wants all players to pay special attention to their behaviour. The organiser will be very strict in punishing any unsportsmanlike behaviour displayed by the player, especially when on stage or livestream, including showing disrespect towards other players, organiser employees and Nintendo employees. This kind of behaviour may lead to strict punishments including disqualification of the team from future Nintendo activities.
- Player Handles & Team Names
Due to this being a public event, the organiser requests that all players select suitable, inoffensive handles. Entrants may be requested to change their username or team name if it is deemed to be advertising, unsporting, or offensive. Refusal to comply with a requested change of name may result in the offending player or team being disqualified from entering the event.
- Attendance, Hardware and Software Requirements
- Attendance
Teams are requested to report to the Nintendo tournament desk 15 minutes ahead of the start time of their group to ‘check in’. A team that has not checked-in in full by the posted start time of their group may be replaced immediately by a stand-by team.
- No show
If a checked-in team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the scheduled match time, Admins will resolve those issues on a case-by-case basis. Not being ready on time could result in a disqualification of a team if the reasons are on the team’s side.
- Game preparations
Please resolve any problems that might occur before a match starts. Connection or hardware problems during a match could lead to a disqualification by Organiser admins. The match must be played with the right settings. Make sure all players are eligible and ready to play.
- Disconnects
If case of disconnection due to network error, independent of human will, the game will be replayed. This replay must be allowed by the other player if the following criteria are met:
- The disconnect happened during the first 2 minutes of the game
- The team of the disconnected player is not heavily losing the game (i.e. the losing team’s score is within 30 main points of the leader’s following the disconnect, and the leading team is not on the verge of winning)
- The remaining players stopped playing immediately
During the replayed game, players must use the exact same weapons and gear they used during the original game, and on the same stage. There are no changes allowed between the original game and the replay.
- Lobby Hosting
Organiser admins and observers will take care of hosting the lobby. The lobby will be hosted as a Private Battle. In case of technical issues Organiser reserves a right to host a game from one of the players consoles.
- Viewer Mode
Spectator slots are strictly reserved for Admins and observers. If there is a unauthorized person present as a spectator during the match the following must happen immediately:
- The cancellation of the round
- Hosting a new lobby, with a new code
- The host may be changed
- Possible sanctions against the unauthorized spectator and his team
- Admin
All participants must adhere to the decisions and rules of the tournament organisers, admins, and referees. All decisions are final, except in cases where the option to appeal is clearly stated. Conversations, either verbal or written, between organisers, admins, or referees, and participants are confidential. Publicly posting or sharing these conversations with outside parties is strictly forbidden unless permission is obtained.
- Additional rules regarding players, teams and qualification:
Only residents of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland are eligible to enter a Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 qualifier. You will need access to a Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 3, and an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription to take part in an online qualifier. It is recommended that you register for events as a full team, as groups of players will be prioritised over individual players if a tournament is close to reaching its maximum number of participants.
Tournament Rules
A full list of tournament rules, concerning a variety of topics including rulesets, player behaviour, and requirements from participants, will be available at any event upon request.
On Qualified Teams
Once a team wins in a Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 qualifier event, that team and its members are immediately qualified with a Top 8 position in the Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 finals taking place in September. A qualified team’s seeding within this top 8 will be based on their performance in the season to date including, but not limited to, factors such as games won, games lost, number of games won via KO, number of games won via time out, and skill of teams faced.
As the team is qualified there is no need for further competition in the Nordics and any attempts at entry will be rejected. Additionally, players for qualified teams are prohibited from competing for other teams, as they are already registered as a part of their qualified team.
Regarding Substitute Players
A team is allowed one substitute player on top of their four key players. This substitute player is considered a qualified member of that team and is therefore held to the same rules and restrictions as the core members of that qualified team mentioned above. Substitutes must be registered no less than 24 hours ahead of the start of the first event at which the player will be a substitute, by contacting
Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. . Once a substitute is registered, they will remain as that team’s substitute until further notice. Substitute players cannot be drafted during a tournament. Players cannot be swapped during a match.Ruling Regarding Players Leaving Qualified Teams
We accept that due to unforeseen circumstances players may wish to leave a team even after it qualifies for the Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 final. If a player wishes to leave a qualified team they must personally send an email to
Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den. stating as such. A specific reason does not need to be supplied. A remaining member of the team will be contacted regarding the updated team roster.Note: If two or more members leave a qualified team then the remaining players will be considered as a new team, therefore forfeiting the team’s qualification spot to the team that placed second in the tournament at which they achieved qualification. If the team that placed second has subsequently qualified, the spot will go to the team that placed third. If they have also qualified it falls to the team in fourth. This process continues until the spot is filled.
Previously Qualified Players & Future Competition
Allowing for unforeseen circumstances as mentioned above, the first time a player leaves a qualified team they may enter as part of a new, unqualified team. However, there are two stipulations for previously qualified players which are as follows:
1. A previously qualified player may not re-join the team that they leave. Once a player leaves a team, this is a permanent decision for the remainder of the 2023 season.
2. If a previously qualified player does achieve qualification again with a second team and then subsequently chooses to leave this team as well, then they will not be permitted to take part in any further activities within the Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023.
Concerning Unqualified Players & Team Switching
Until a team manages to qualify for the Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023 its players are considered free agents. If a player is not part of a qualified team then they may attempt qualification with any other players at as many events as they wish (obviously accepting that they may only enter a qualification tournament as a member of one team). Please note that not continuing to play alongside previous teammates could affect any seeding position that a competitor may feel entitled to receive, as initial seeding decisions of pre-registered teams for future tournaments will be based on the performance-to-date of teams as a group of players rather than as individuals due to the team-based nature of Splatoon 3’s gameplay.
If you have any specific queries about the Splatoon 3 Nordic Championship 2023, please get in contact via
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